Bringing a touch of intentional play into your day.

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Meet Anna


It’s time to be prepared and excited to start each week!

Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the preschool play ideas? Want to create playful activities with your child but don’t where to start?

You’ve come to the right place! Whether you need some daily structure or simply want a fun family night, Ms. Simon Says has a variety of play themes to capture your child’s interest while enjoying sensory play, nature exploration, games, arts and crafts, and much more!

What’s our mission?

Parenthood is busy and it can feel impossible to do it all! That’s why we created achievable one week plans that can be sprinkled into your days between all the other fun outings, family fun, and of course the reality of constantly cooking and cleaning.

Have a plan, expose your child to many life skills, and have fun connecting with your little one!

Start the adventure today!

Let’s be friends!